Saturday, 2 November 2013

University life and stuff yo.

Hello and welcome! Although I should probably say "welcome back" seeing as though I haven't posted anything in over two months... Oops.

Lincoln Cathedral looking all majestic and beautiful at night.
But I have a very good reason for having neglected you all for so long. I'M AT UNIVERSITY! In case you didn't already know. Anyway.

I'm studying English at the University of Lincoln and I'm loving every second of it. It's amazing, it really is. You have no idea. I'd waited so long to be able to do something which I'm passionate about and actually enjoy. I obviously did English (well, English Literature) at A-level, but there just wasn't the focus and depth that I'm able to be experiencing now. And I wasn't only doing English at A-level; I did Psychology and Drama and also did the Extended Project (which I haven't mentioned on here before, so for anyone interested who doesn't already know, my essay question was "Why is the Sherlock Holmes canon popular today?", which meant that I could read the books and watch films for research; SUCH FUN).

So. "How is university different from A-levels?", I hear you ask. Well, in the case of my degree, I only have eight teaching hours a week (three lectures, three seminars, and a workshop). BUT. That doesn't mean that I can just sit around doing nothing for the rest of the week. For those eight hours, I am expected to do at least twice that outside of university. Therefore, that's another sixteen hours, making twenty-four in total. But believe me, I have been doing far more work than that these past few weeks. I handed in my first assignment last Friday (October 25th), which was four days early, I might add. I'm currently working on my second assignment, and there are another three due before Christmas on top of that, a performance/presentation to be rehearsed for and performed/presented before Christmas, and then another assignment due in early January. Aside from my assignments, I have also been reading novels, plays, essays, analyses, annotating poetry, doing research... The list goes on!

Fortunately, though it is rather a lot of work that I have to get done, it's all so enjoyable. I chose this course at this university for a reason. The modules are amazing. They're all so interesting and exciting, and as well as building on the knowledge which I have already gained, I'm also acquiring new information and learning new techniques and strategies and it's just all so brilliant.

Also... I'VE MADE FRIENDS. I don't care how lame you think that that sounds. That was my main worry about coming to university, I'm not even kidding. But I did it. I talked to strangers and they are no longer strangers. Everyone here is so lovely, it's insane. Not only the students, but the lecturers too. They're all absolutely wonderful and funny and they genuinely care about their jobs and our education. I still can't decide who's my favourite; they're all so fabulous.

So, I do believe that that's all to tell you for just now. The only bad thing about university is the fact that I miss my family and my friends and my teachers from sixth form. I can't wait to see absolutely everyone when I'm home at Christmas. Eek.

Sunday, 25 August 2013


I do apologise for neglecting you all lately. My bad.

Okay. I don't even know what to say. Well. I know what to say. But I just don't quite know how to say it. So I'll do my best.

As you may or may not know, it was A-level results day last Thursday. The day which I had been dreading since I sat my last exam in June. I was so nervous. You have no idea how much I panicked and cried and stressed and flapped and oh. It was absolutely awful.

BUT. All of that worrying was for nothing.


I am officially an English student at the University of Lincoln. (Well. I will be when I formally register in September...)

I'm still so shocked. You have no idea. It's been over a week and sometimes I just sit here not quite being able to comprehend what's happened.

BUT ANYWAY. I move into my accommodation four weeks today, which is exciting. Then it's freshers week. And then I actually start my course. It's all so brilliant. I've made friends with some people on Facebook and have spoken to a lovely girl on Twitter. Some of whom are doing my course, some of whom aren't. Because that's what I'm most worried about. New people. I'm rubbish at social interaction and strangers and agh. But I'm a lot more confident about it now than I have been previously. I'm trying to embrace the fear, I guess.

So I think that that's about it for now. But before I finish, I shall just leave you with this.

My boyfriend, Anthony, started an amazing project last week. He's doing a University Diary, in video form, whereby he's documenting what happens each week, and uploading the outcome on a Sunday. It's for everyone and anyone to watch. He hopes to inform his friends, family and anyone else interested about his experiences, and hopes to help those who are contemplating whether or not to go to university. You can watch his videos here. As we've not actually started at university yet, the past two videos have been about the build-up and preparation. There'll be a new video every Sunday, so keep your eyes peeled! Any comments and views and subscribers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!

P.S. It's four months until Christmas. You're welcome.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 10.

Day 10: A photo that makes you laugh.

This is a photo of my cat, Sooty, from a few years ago. He does the cutest thing where he sticks out his tongue. It's so brilliant. Aww.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 9.

Day 9: A photo you have taken.

I took this in February 2013. In case you didn't know, it's of the London Eye. I absolutely love London. It's such an incredible city. I think that I've been four times. And I would very much like to go again. There are still so many things that I want to see and do.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 8.

Day 8. Your most recent photo.

This is the most recent photo that I'm tagged in on Facebook. It makes me laugh. It was at our sixth form leavers party, and it was right at the start of the night. I don't like having my photo taken, hence why I'm hiding behind my boyfriend. (Side note; look how happy he looks! Aww.) But once I'd gotten more alcohol in me, fortunately I ended up being quite photogenic...

Friday, 26 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 7.

Photo Challenge. Day 7: A photo of you and your best friend.

Okay. So this is probably going to be a bit weird. I have so many amazing friends, so I couldn't pick just one. So here's a collage of me with all of them. Enjoy.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 6.

Day 6: A photo of your former crush.

Well, seeing as though I'm in a relationship, and I haven't really had a "crush" on anyone to be honest, I think that a photo of Tom Hiddleston is the best I can do. Because my heart no longer belongs to Hiddles. But he's still absolutely amazing.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 5.

Day 5: A photo of you making a funny face.

This is one of the photos that my mum took of myself and her at my brother's football presentation evening back in May.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 4.

Day 4: A photo that makes you happy.

This is a photo of Paris, as seen from the Eiffel Tower. It makes me happy because it's just so absolutely incredibly beautiful, and it's the only place in the world that I want to visit. And I definitely WILL visit Paris. I swear to god.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 3.

Day 3: A photo of someone you love.

Okay so this will border on soppy, but I really couldn't care less. This is a photo of my boyfriend from Christmas 2012, taken around about the time we first started properly talking to each other. This picture never ceases to make me smile, because it just epitomises him entirely. He's just so brilliant. We recently celebrated our six month anniversary, and I've been so much happier in these last six months than I have been in the rest of my life. I love him so much. He means the absolute world to me.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 2.

Day 2: A photo of yourself from a year ago. Okay so this isn't quite a year ago. It's from the end of August 2012. So eleven months. Close enough. This is of myself and one of my oldest and closest friends, Jess, when we went to a summer school at Durham University. I've known Jess since I was eight, and she's been one of my best friends since. We've been through a lot together, and I love her so very much.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Photo Challenge: Day 1.

Day 1: Your Facebook profile picture.

This photo is from Saturday 23rd February 2013, when myself, Mia and Dana went to the Upload Tour, where we saw Dave Giles, BriBry, Tom Law and Eddplant. They were all fabulous. This is me and BriBry. He's all tall and Irish and lovely. It was one of the best nights of my life.

10 Day Photo Challenge.

As a means of doing something a little bit different, I shall be partaking in this challenge. Enjoy. Peace out.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Hello to my blog readers, whoever and wherever you are, you lovely people. Peace.
Just a short post to apologise about the inactivity lately. I had A-level exams, my bad. Four of them. Aah. It was a very stressful time to say the least. I just hope that I've done enough to get the grades that I need. Because if I have, then I'M GOING TO UNIVERSITY IN SEPTEMBER WOOOOOOO!
So. I had my last exam a week ago today, and now I have the summer ahead of me. Hooray. I have celebrated by starting to clear out my room. HOW EXCITING.
I've sort of run out of things to write about now. Hm.
OH. You should listen to Frank Turner's recently-released album 'Tape Deck Heart', because it's absolutely incredible. Frank is so amazing. I do hope that he tours again soon. I have severe gig withdrawal symptoms. Ugh.
That's about it to be honest. Over and out. *CSSH*

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A brief panic.

This time in five weeks, I will have finished all of my A2 exams. All of them. That means that, in five weeks, I will have finished sixth form. Five weeks. Thirty-five days. Then that's it. No more A-levels. I'm done.


Thursday, 4 April 2013

A quick update.

So, as you can see, I haven't posted anything here for quite a while. Over three months in fact. I do apologise. A-levels have just completely taken it out of me lately. Aah.
So, I thought that I'd do a short and sweet post about some of what's happened.
1) It was Christmas. That was cool. I can't even remember most of what I got. I do however remember there being a lot of socks and I do remember crying at the presents off my three best friends. That was brilliant. Also, I ate so much food that I genuinely thought that I was going to explode. Oops.
2) (This is a really important one...) I GOT A BOYFRIEND. YES. ME. A BOYFRIEND. REALLY. AAAAH. I'll not ramble on, but what I will say is that I'm absolutely crazy about him. We've been together for over eleven weeks now, and I just can't believe how quickly that time has flown. Wow. He's absolutely incredible and everything about him is amazing. He makes me feel so happy and so wonderful every second of every day. And I think that that's pretty damn awesome to be honest.
3) I sent my UCAS application off. It was quite possibly the scariest thing that I've ever done.
4) I got my offers back from all five of the unis that I applied for, and I had to go for an interview at one of them the other week. Yes I bloody well was nervous. But it went really well and they were "impressed with my interview performance". HELL YEAH.
6) We attempted a second Lord of the Rings marathon at Mia's. I think that it was perhaps a less successful attempt than the first time. Although we did get to watch a pretty cool penguin documentary.
7) It was my 18th birthday. Yep. I hit the big one-eight. I am now officially old, according to Danielle. Isn't she lovely. Ha.
8) I got my results back from my January exams and they weren't so good. Not absolutely terrible, but not what I was hoping for. I did manage to get less in the re-sit than I did the first time, which I guess is some sort of achievement. You have to laugh at these things, you really do.
9) Mia has got Frank Turner tickets for later this month. YES. I GET TO SEE FRANK AGAIN. THIS WILL BE THE FOURTH TIME. OH MY GOD. *flails*
10) Mia, Dana and I went to a gig on the Upload Tour. Oh my god. It was fabulous. Dave Giles hugged me. Yes. HUGGED ME. He's bloody huge. I felt like a Borrower. And BriBry hugged me too. Another instance in which I felt like a Borrower. And Tom Law and Eddplant were lovely. Awwww. The whole night was amazing and those guys are all insanely talented musicians. Wow.
11) More uni stuff; I responded to my offers. I felt so horrible and mean and rude and guilty rejecting three unis. Aah. BUT HOPEFULLY I'M GOING TO LINCOLN IN SEPTEMBER WOOOOOOO!
12) I also applied for accommodation at Lincoln. That was both exciting and scary. I really can't wait to go to uni now. Eeeeeee.

So. I think that that's all for now. Thank you and goodnight. (well, good evening.) Au revoir.