Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Hello to my blog readers, whoever and wherever you are, you lovely people. Peace.
Just a short post to apologise about the inactivity lately. I had A-level exams, my bad. Four of them. Aah. It was a very stressful time to say the least. I just hope that I've done enough to get the grades that I need. Because if I have, then I'M GOING TO UNIVERSITY IN SEPTEMBER WOOOOOOO!
So. I had my last exam a week ago today, and now I have the summer ahead of me. Hooray. I have celebrated by starting to clear out my room. HOW EXCITING.
I've sort of run out of things to write about now. Hm.
OH. You should listen to Frank Turner's recently-released album 'Tape Deck Heart', because it's absolutely incredible. Frank is so amazing. I do hope that he tours again soon. I have severe gig withdrawal symptoms. Ugh.
That's about it to be honest. Over and out. *CSSH*