Day 10: A photo that makes you laugh.
This is a photo of my cat, Sooty, from a few years ago. He does the cutest thing where he sticks out his tongue. It's so brilliant. Aww.
Day 10: A photo that makes you laugh.
This is a photo of my cat, Sooty, from a few years ago. He does the cutest thing where he sticks out his tongue. It's so brilliant. Aww.
Day 9: A photo you have taken.
I took this in February 2013. In case you didn't know, it's of the London Eye. I absolutely love London. It's such an incredible city. I think that I've been four times. And I would very much like to go again. There are still so many things that I want to see and do.
Day 8. Your most recent photo.
This is the most recent photo that I'm tagged in on Facebook. It makes me laugh. It was at our sixth form leavers party, and it was right at the start of the night. I don't like having my photo taken, hence why I'm hiding behind my boyfriend. (Side note; look how happy he looks! Aww.) But once I'd gotten more alcohol in me, fortunately I ended up being quite photogenic...
Photo Challenge. Day 7: A photo of you and your best friend.
Okay. So this is probably going to be a bit weird. I have so many amazing friends, so I couldn't pick just one. So here's a collage of me with all of them. Enjoy.
Day 6: A photo of your former crush.
Well, seeing as though I'm in a relationship, and I haven't really had a "crush" on anyone to be honest, I think that a photo of Tom Hiddleston is the best I can do. Because my heart no longer belongs to Hiddles. But he's still absolutely amazing.
Day 5: A photo of you making a funny face.
This is one of the photos that my mum took of myself and her at my brother's football presentation evening back in May.
Day 4: A photo that makes you happy.
This is a photo of Paris, as seen from the Eiffel Tower. It makes me happy because it's just so absolutely incredibly beautiful, and it's the only place in the world that I want to visit. And I definitely WILL visit Paris. I swear to god.
Day 3: A photo of someone you love.
Okay so this will border on soppy, but I really couldn't care less. This is a photo of my boyfriend from Christmas 2012, taken around about the time we first started properly talking to each other. This picture never ceases to make me smile, because it just epitomises him entirely. He's just so brilliant. We recently celebrated our six month anniversary, and I've been so much happier in these last six months than I have been in the rest of my life. I love him so much. He means the absolute world to me.
Day 2: A photo of yourself from a year ago. Okay so this isn't quite a year ago. It's from the end of August 2012. So eleven months. Close enough. This is of myself and one of my oldest and closest friends, Jess, when we went to a summer school at Durham University. I've known Jess since I was eight, and she's been one of my best friends since. We've been through a lot together, and I love her so very much.
Day 1: Your Facebook profile picture.
This photo is from Saturday 23rd February 2013, when myself, Mia and Dana went to the Upload Tour, where we saw Dave Giles, BriBry, Tom Law and Eddplant. They were all fabulous. This is me and BriBry. He's all tall and Irish and lovely. It was one of the best nights of my life.
As a means of doing something a little bit different, I shall be partaking in this challenge. Enjoy. Peace out.