Tuesday 30 October 2012

Chocolate and Benedict Cumberbatch.

I forgot to post about this yesterday. (apologies to Mia and Giorgina)

Yesterday, Monday, it was an inset day. I went over to Mia's house (I seem to be spending more and more time there nowadays... I should just move in) and spent the afternoon. Only just though; I NEARLY MISSED THE BUS. I haven't panicked that much in a while. But I did catch it *phew*, so it was all good. But then, I had such a socially awkward moment; I could have just crawled into a hole right there and then. The bus was pretty full, and a sweet little old lady got on the bus and sat next to me. She smiled at me and I smiled back, and then she went to me "Oh, I love your hair!" to which I responded with "Thanks... I grew it myself."

I swear, I am literally Chandler from Friends. I make awkward jokes in awkward situations. Oops.

So anyway. The old lady then gave me a funny look and didn't speak to me again. I really am hopeless sometimes.

Then when I got off the bus, I thought "Ooh, I'll just nip to the shop to buy some chocolate for us"... Big mistake. I was stuck in a queue behind one old woman, who decided to empty out all of the change in her purse onto the counter and pay with that. It was like £7.43 or something. Needless to say, she took a while.

So after my mishaps, I eventually got to Mia's. I was greeted by her lovely mother who told me that Mia was baking in the kitchen. So I went into the kitchen and she was baking gingerbread. Which she later tried and realised that she had forgotten to put any sugar into. For someone so smart, she can be a bit of a spoon sometimes.

Not long after, Giorge came, and we all watched a film together. That film was Starter for 10. Which was bloody brilliant. I've wanted to watch it for aaaaaages. It was absolutely fantastic. 5 stars, 10 out of 10 and all that. Benedict Cumberbatch was HILARIOUS. Plus it had James McAvoy (who I also love), Alice Eve and Rebecca Hall (very pretty), Dominic Cooper (gorgeous), James Corden (lovely and funny) and Mark Gatiss (love that man). And Catherine Tate. She made me laugh simply because of the moment when her son was going away to uni and so she asked him if he'd remembered his chip pan. I highly recommend that film. It was terrific.

Then we made lots of cakes for the Halloween Quiz. Which was fun, because I normally suck at baking, but I was very proud of my chocolate buns. They didn't burn or blow up, so that must be a good sign.

So, that was my Monday. It was great.

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